Posts in Testimony
Caleb and Stefanie Rouse: Relationship Educators and Thriving With Jesus

Stefanie and Caleb Rouse use their online and social media platforms to point others to Christ. They use what they've learned (Stefanie has a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy; Caleb has a Masters in Education) along with their love for God and His Word to help encourage others who are feeling hopeless, down in relationships, and are desiring to live life the way God intended them to.

They recently launched a course for single women and have one for married couples coming soon. Included in the course are things Stefanie learned in her program. The things she learned changed her life and they wanted to make it more accessible so others can unlock the best version of themselves in what God has called them to be and to help others thrive in the long-term.

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Tim and Stephanie Broersma and a Marriage Reclaimed After Marital Betrayal

Tim and Stephanie share the process they went through after Tim confessed to multiple affairs and to a 10-year pornography addiction which took them both on a journey to restoration as they determined to do the hard work and fight for their marriage because the prospect of the alternative was harder to bear than going through the uncomfortable middle.

On the other side, they have found beauty truly does rise from the ashes when we find our life and/or marriage has caught fire. Walk with them through the rubble as they share their testimony and the ministry God birthed in Stephanie as she coped with the pain, the devastation of grappling with marital betrayal.

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Karl and Bonny Hoeflein and Loving People Into the Kingdom

Karl and Bonny Hoeflein share their wisdom and what they’ve seen God do in and through their 35 years of marriage. Bonny is a teacher, author, and speaker. Her book called More Cake — puts to print the lessons the Lord had shown her over her lifetime. Bonny’s ministry, Live Brighter, is the fruit of her life passion for nurturing, empowering, and inspiring men and women to act bravely, love deeply, and live brightly.

Karl is a software project manager and is the facilitator of Bonny’s dreams and is happy doing so. Karl encourages the young adults who come into their home (who’ve come over the years for homegroup and bible study) that “You can serve the Lord with your abilities no matter what they are, it’s not only pulpit ministries that matter. You can serve Him behind the scenes.”

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Jacob and Tori Petersen - God Making Families Whole

Jacob and Tori Petersen have been married a little over 2 years, have a 2 year old son and a daughter on the way. They have a heart for family and seeing the restoration of families. Jacob is in a season of being the husband and father God has called him to be and enjoys welcoming all into their family home and making them feel like family. Tori grew up in the foster care system and God has since redeemed and restored pieces of her story and is using her as an advocate for foster youth, vulnerable youth and suffering families and is a voice for the unborn/pro-life. Taken from her site, Tori writes, “I share my life vulnerably with hopes to let my Abba Father be known & loved through stories, to offer hope to the hurting, & to serve people from all kinds of backgrounds.

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Linda Obremski and Mariah Metoyer-Marino on Grieving with Hope

Two remarkable women with two remarkable stories — join me for July’s episode as Linda Obremski and Mariah Metoyer-Marino share the journey they’ve been on since “losing” their husbands. They share how “losing their husbands” isn’t really what it is at all because they know where their husbands are… they aren’t lost but are home, in Heaven with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, more alive than ever before. They share the hope and comfort they find in knowing they will see them again and the beauty of discovering their purpose in this new season they find themselves in.

They share how it does not feel right living from the identity of “widow”. Their identity is firm in Christ, as Daughters of the King, Daughters of the Most High God. They are living to bring Him glory through every trial and every suffering this life on earth may bring. Mariah shares that if suffering in this life brings Him more glory, then so be it!
All this and more in episode 19!

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Rick and Aviana Valadez on Coming Forth As Gold in Marriage, Blended Families and in Ministry

Aviana and Rick Valadez go into their marriage story and how Jesus saved and redeemed their lives. From head knowledge to a loving relationship with their Savior, from redemption from a gambling and drinking past and a compromised relationship, Rick and Aviana share the similarities in their stories is that they prayed to receive Christ into their lives yet it didn’t fully change their life until God took them to the end of themselves.

They also share how they allow Him to steer their blended family and how He led their family to street evangelism through their two boys and the journey from sharing Christ with total strangers on Friday nights to God preparing them for full-time missions.

They have a beautiful testimony and are sold out for the cause of Christ and honor Him with their whole lives.

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